The winning entry will be awarded at least a $500 scholarship and the printed winning entry piece. Copies of the piece will be provided to the winner for his or her use. All Participants will be able to take home their final printed pieces. Lawton may feature student designs and images from the in-person event on their social media channels.
Judging of Entries
Judging will be done by a panel of independent print, marketing, and design professionals. All participants are invited and the winner(s) will be recognized at the Awards Reception on April 11, 2024, at Lawton. Each entry will be produced as a finished piece for the students to take home.
The judges will apply the following criteria and select a winner, using their sole and absolute discretion. The judge’s determination of the winner will be binding and final to all participants.
Key Concepts and Judging Considerations
- The design aesthetic of the booklet and the sleeve are cohesive and have a unique, clear point of view.
- The template was used correctly, crossovers line up (if present), and document has bleed.
- If a website exists, it’s linked (QR code or website listed somewhere) and the visuals are cohesive.
- Required copy is included.
- Overall design elements such as typeface, balance, imagery, professionalism, etc.
- Clean file submission in a PDF format.
- Entry is creative, innovative, and unique.
- Entry is engaging and appropriate.
- Entry meets high professional standards and is organized and free of errors.